Description of a daily fishing activity from a small-scale fisherman in Central Greece (Korinthiakos Gulf)


1 D. K. Moutopoulos (&) A. Ramfos C. Moukas G. Katselis Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, 30200 Mesolonghi, Greece

2 Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, 30200 Mesolonghi, Greece


High-frequency onboard monitoring of a fully dependent small-scale fisher operating in Korinthiakos Gulf during 2008–2009 (for 262 out of 418 fishing days) was taken place. The average annual daily landings and economic revenue were 4.9 kg (SD = 2.6) and 55.7 € (SD = 33.8), respectively. Multivariate analyses applied on either species landings composition or economic revenue revealed three main groups that were characterized by improvement of fisheries’ landings and economic efficiency depending on group. Grouping might indicate fishing tactics adopted by the fisherman based on his prior experience to take advantage of the ecological behavior of the target species and market demands.
